My life revolves around television. I watch it at work. I watch it at home. I'm fascinated by it. It's that simple. I become involved with certain shows, and I begin to feel like I actually know these characters.
I began watching most of the shows I'm addicted to because of my roommates. I told myself I wouldn't watch The OC when it debuted. But then my roomies had OC Parties in the apartment, and I felt compelled to watch. Of course I missed almost all of the first season due to that crappy Journalism law class that went from 7-10pm every Wednesday, but have no fear Direct Connect saved the day.
One of my favorite old roomies, Dana, would download every episode as it came available on Direct Connect, a download program that every Maryland student that lived in a dorm frequented. We would sit on Erin's bed and watch the episode that was just on like three days before. We were nerds, but we loved it.
Now I can't miss an episode. But here's the bad thing...The OC won't be back until *gasp* November 3rd!!! There was no new episode this past week!! A whole month without The OC! They teased us with three new episodes, and now a month long wait til the next. And it all comes down to one thing. One thing any sports fan (me) can appreciate. The culmination of a long, boring season. THE WORLD SERIES!!
this is the baseball that is exciting.
This is the baseball people have been waiting for for 5 long months.
This is the Playoffs.
This is what keeps my work busy on Tuesday nights in the middle of October.
This is where the winner is determined. This
is baseball.
So here is the dilemma. I'm obsessed with The OC. I'm obsessed with sports. What happens when the two collide? It's the World Series. Granted my team is not playing, nor will it ever be in the foreseeable future. But it's still baseball. I watch the games involving the teams I hate just so I can laugh at their misfortunes. (HAHA SUCK IT, YANKEES!!! and RED SOX!!) But now with no teams I hate in the Series anymore, I want The OC back badly!!
I need to know if Ryan is going to accept the fact that Marissa has made new friends at her new school! I need to know if Ryan and Marissa are going to be allowed back into Harbor since Dean "Dickface" Hess is sleeping with that Taylor chick! I need to know if that money monger Charlotte is going to come between Sandy and Kirsten! These things are important to me, and the worst part is....they totally should not be!!
These are things that keep me up at night after watching these crazy shows. The OC is only the beginning. One Tree Hill is a whole other story. That show didn't start until last week. Of course, I had something to do (opening day of the NHL), so I taped it. Now my tape is being crazy and the show is all weird. But I must somehow fix it before tomorrow. I can't watch the next episode without watching the first. It's bad enough I forgot what happened at the end of last season.
And the one show that is the most addicting, not only to me, but I've sucked my dad in, is Lost!! That show has to be the best on TV. It's insane. The show throws a curve ball at you every 15 minutes. It's insane. Sometimes at work I get bored, so I'll cruise around the Internet. I stumbled upon a Lost message board on, and I realized that if I even attempted to look at some posts on one of the more popular Lost websites, I would be sucked in completely. It's bad enough that when I stumble upon other Lost watchers I hypothesize about what is and is going to happen on the show. If I just looked at a post on one of these boards, I'd be gone.
It's just awful, I tell you. My next big purchase will be TIVO, this I can guarantee. I should be thankful that I have a working VCR, for the most part. Because without one I would be lost (no pun intended). For example, I'm going to the Maryland/Virginia Tech game next Thursday. Thursday being the best night on TV. The OC at 8pm (not next Thurs. though), CSI at 9pm, Without a Trace at 10pm. Three full hours of three great shows. So I'm going to need a VHS tape to record all my shows. It's a pain. But a necessary one.
My name is Jenn, and I have a problem.....I'm a TV-aholic!!